Table of Contents
Id Title Category Default Severity
GR0003 Unmanaged Oracle ODP.NET should be replaced with the Oracle Managed DataAccess. Maintainability Warning
GR0004 .NET remoting is legacy technology and should not be used. You should be using a newer technology. Maintainability Warning
GR0005 ViewModel classes should inherit from ReactiveUI.ReactiveObject. Maintainability Warning
GR0007 Consider usage of Unicode Encoding instead of ASCII. Reliability Warning
GR0008 StructureMap is end of life so should not be used. Maintainability Warning
GR0009 Classes based on ReactiveUI.ReactiveObject should end with the suffix "ViewModel". Maintainability Warning
GR0010 Interfaces based on ReactiveUI.IReactiveObject should end with the suffix "ViewModel". Maintainability Warning
GR0011 ViewModels should inherit from ReactiveUI's ReactiveObject. Maintainability Warning
GR0012 Constructors should minimise work and not execute methods Maintainability Warning
GR0013 Do not use GDI+. Design Warning
GR0014 Consider usage of DateTime.UtcNow instead of DateTime.Now. Reliability Warning
GR0015 Do not use System.Console. Design Warning
GR0016 Do not use System.Security.SecureString. Design Error
GR0017 Consider use of System.Text.Json instead of Newtonsoft.Json (JSON.NET). Design Warning
GR0018 TryParse should be used inside an If Statement with a unary operation Usage Warning
GR0019 Do not use Entity Framework Database EnsureCreated. Design Warning
GR0020 Do not use Entity Framework Database EnsureCreatedAsync. Design Warning
GR0021 Do not use System.Net.ServicePointManager. Design Warning
GR0022 Classes based on MediatR.RequestHandler should end with either the suffix "CommandHandler" or "QueryHandler". Maintainability Warning
GR0023 Classes based on MediatR.IRequest should end with either the suffix "Command" or "Query". Maintainability Warning
GR0024 Response Classes used in MediatR.IRequest should end with either the suffix "CommandResponse" or "QueryResponse". Naming Warning
GR0025 Do not use ToString() on an enum value. Performance Warning
GR0026 Do not use the XUnit Attribute InlineData Maintainability Warning
GR0027 Constructor should have a logging framework instance as the final parameter. Design Warning
GR0028 Do not use Observale.FromEventPattern, use source generated Events from ReactiveMarbles.ObservableEvents instead. Design Warning
GR0029 Reactive Marbles events should be assigned to a variable. Performance Warning
GR0030 Class with abstract keyword should start with Abstract Naming Warning
GR0031 Methods that use "yield return" should start with the name "Enumerate". Naming Warning
GR0032 Do not use manual event subscriptions. Consider a ReactiveMarbles ObservableEvents approach. Maintainability Warning
GR0033 Do not use Object in a parameter declaration. Design Warning
GR0034 ViewModel classes should inherit from a ViewModel interface. Maintainability Warning
GR0035 Consider usage of typeof(x) instead of MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType. Maintainability Warning
GR0036 Consider usage of typeof(x) instead of System.Type.GetType. Maintainability Warning
GR0037 Task<ActionResult<TValue>> should be used as the result type in an API. Design Warning
GR0038 Do not use Object as a return type on a method declaration. Design Warning
GR0039 Do not use Object in a property declaration. Design Warning
GR0040 Do not use Object in a field declaration. Design Warning
GR0041 Do not use Object in a variable declaration. Design Warning
GR0042 Do not use dynamic in a parameter declaration. Design Warning
GR0043 ViewModel Constructor should have accept Scheduler as a parameter. Design Warning
GR0044 ViewModel Constructor should have accept Scheduler as a parameter. Design Warning
GR0045 Microsoft AppCenter is end of life so should not be used. Maintainability Warning
GR0046 Do not use method groups. For readability and consistency consider using lambda with manual caching if performance is an issue. Maintainability Warning
GR0047 Do not use Entity Framework DbSet<T>.Update. Design Warning
GR0048 Do not use Entity Framework DbSet<T>.UpdateRange. Design Warning
GR0049 Do not use Tuples. Design Warning
GR0050 Method has an overload that takes IFileProvider Design Warning